Why I chose Autism & Special Needs as my Specialty.
My oldest son was diagnosed with Moderate-Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Global Delays, Non-Verbal, and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in 2016. When the doctors sat us down to “break” the news to us we were presented with a “Welcome to Holland” poem. We were more devastated by the words in the poem and the mental stigma and program they were trying to put into our heads about our great and amazing child. The mental programming was trying to tell us that the child we thought we had did not exist and the one we did have will never be what we want him to be. Except the poem used it in the terms of Hawaii versus Holland. I was shocked because we absolutely love everything about our son including the quirks that come with the ASD symptoms. I was in absolute denial that he had autism. I kept saying he is just delayed and that he will catch up. I did not want people to put a negative label on him and take pity on him for the rest of his life. I was mad at the diagnosis for about 3 days. I talked to my sister who works in the mental health field and she helped me to realize the blessing that came with the diagnosis and the opportunities it opens up for those that do have it. She was right!
Once I realized this I fully committed to the acceptance of the diagnosis and was finally able to get back to the party that we call “LIFE”. I realized right then I was not ever going to let anyone get in the way of my son living his life to the fullest, even if that included myself. I had to change my perspective to help him reach his fullest potential. Once this alignment happened then all of the doors started opening. The right teachers and therapists started showing up in our son’s life. Even the right healing modality. Pranic Healing was brought into my life that same year. I got to attend a class and hear Master Co speak about how he and Grand Master Choa Kok Sui had completely healed Master Co’s daughter of autism. It took time and dedication but it worked. I got a copy of that very same protocol that was used on Master Co’s daughter and began applying it to my son. Pranic healing has so many amazing tools that allowed me to help my son become a functional child who is living his best life right now.
Now in 2022, my son is able to show his true potential. He is super quick with math. He will be performing at his grade level by the end of this year or the beginning of next. He will have a simple conversation with you and express his wants and needs. He has little to no delays. He is loving and kind. A wonderful and protective big brother and a sweet and caring guinea pig owner. I am enjoying watching him on his journey through life.
All of that is what I want to do for you!
I want to bring hope back into your life.
I want you to see how bright the future can and will be.
Why I chose Psychic Development as My Coaching Specialty.
I started my coaching method with one goal in mind: to develop stronger and more ethical psychics and healers. My background in business combined with my personal interest in spirituality and metaphysics helps others focus, reflect, and refine their lives.
They always say the best way to find your niche is to find a problem that you know how to fix. The biggest problems that psychics and healers have today are a lack of support and an ethical environment to grow and thrive in that is non-competitive. I can fix all of those problems.
When you work with me I help you navigate your biggest obstacles. Then I will introduce you to my Facebook group of truly like-minded individuals that will help you to network and foster healthy relationships in the spiritual community.
I’d love to help you find your new path. See how you can work with me to discover how to live with light.
It all starts by learning how to focus on what you want.
Next, you’ll reflect on what may be blocking you, and learn how to overcome these obstacles.
The last step? We learn how to continually refine what we’ve learned. Think of this as your new beginning.